Our Film Synopsis
Our Film Synopsis
The film focuses on Mara a girl in college struggling with anxiety who is being stalked by a mysterious figure in black. We follow her through a normal day as she is forced to fight against both the mental threat of being in society as well as the physical threat of the figure and whatever it is they want
Mara struggles with social interaction and suffers severe anxiety because of it but this is unnoticed by everyone around her. We start with a metaphorical opening sequence followed by a trip of Mara's day through college and her eventual confrontation with the figure in black.
Mara and the figure are the main focuses of the film with only minor appearances from other characters.
The film is a psychological horror and end with the final confrontation in which Mara is killed shadowy stalker, as the figure is actually Mara and a metaphor for her anxiety. After this twist its fades to black with a quick hint that maybe her death had another cause.
The film focuses on Mara a girl in college struggling with anxiety who is being stalked by a mysterious figure in black. We follow her through a normal day as she is forced to fight against both the mental threat of being in society as well as the physical threat of the figure and whatever it is they want
Mara struggles with social interaction and suffers severe anxiety because of it but this is unnoticed by everyone around her. We start with a metaphorical opening sequence followed by a trip of Mara's day through college and her eventual confrontation with the figure in black.
Mara and the figure are the main focuses of the film with only minor appearances from other characters.
The film is a psychological horror and end with the final confrontation in which Mara is killed shadowy stalker, as the figure is actually Mara and a metaphor for her anxiety. After this twist its fades to black with a quick hint that maybe her death had another cause.
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